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Cleanup Crawl!

(10AM, 12PM, 2PM)

We are working on more COVID friendly events for this month... We will update our calendar on here and Instagram once things are set! 

Virtual interest

meeting 5PM

Friends of the Tyoga Trail Maintenance





COVID-19 Gameplan: 


Wildfires & Climate Change, California

     Recent wildfires in California have caused over 238,000 residents to evacuate. Death Valley reached a high temp of 130 degrees Fahrenheit on August 16. This threatens the highest temp ever recorded on earth, 134 F in 1913, also recorded in Death Valley.


Polio Kicked Out of Africa

     You read that right! Since 1996, leaders of every African country have united to eradicate the wild poliovirus. Prior to this campaign, ~75,000 children became paralyzed in the continent each year. The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates a total of 1.8 million paralysis cases prevented and 180,000 lives saved.


Global Climate Inequity: Essay Series

     This summer was a hot one in Marquette, but how is climate change affecting other world regions? Concrete buildings in Athens, methane gas flares in Nigeria, devastating droughts in Guatemala, & extreme heat stress in India - how hot is too hot? More importantly, what can we do to reverse these consequences?


Writers' Recs

Natural Sunscreens

     The days are getting shorter, but your NTN hikes are looking sunny as ever! Lend your skin and the environment a hand by considering more natural sunscreens. Too expensive? Pacifica and Thinkbaby are some of our money-saving favorites at Target.

Q: What's the best way to say sustainable in the dorms?

A: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, be a conscious consumer. Don't let the freedom of being on your own make you purchase things you wont use. And when you can, invest in sustainable brands and things! Also support the local economy while shopping and shop small as often as you can! 


Q: What is the biggest environmental issue in Marquette?

A: Littering is one of the larger issues in the city here, especially during tourist seasons, so please bring bags and gloves when you're out hiking. Theres also the issue of the coal plant that is still in operation, but they are looking to close it down soon... but then what happens with that land is left to be decided.


Q: Will you be hosting any virtual events related to sustainability?

A: Yes! We will be doing the equivalent of what would be a "workshop" on our Youtube channel. We will update you guys as soon as all that is underway, but be looking forward to the end of September! 


Q: How do you stop large companies from paying to pollute?

A: Use your voice, and technology and protest, sign petitions and maybe even help make policies if you have the ability.


Q: Can you recycle the to-go boxes from the Cafeteria

A: No, but also yes! As long as the container is not dirty you can recycle it. If the bottom is dirtied from food debris, feel free to just recycle the top and discard the bottom. It sucks, but you must remember the soiled recyclables are not actually going to be recycled. 

Last semester was by far the greatest semester for the NMU Conservation Crew and we’re so proud of all the accomplishments of our members.  The NMUCC Co-Leaders have been working incredibly hard to keep this momentum going and make sure we have another amazing semester filled with environmental advocacy, community service, and tons of growth.  NMU has created some guidelines for campus organizations to make sure students remain safe on campus and ensure face-to-face classes can continue.  Because of these guidelines, there will be some changes to how the NMUCC normally runs and we need the help of our members to make sure this semester runs smoothly.


  • First and foremost, we’re introducing this newsletter!  You’ll receive the link to newsletters on the first Friday of each month and it will contain our calendar for the month, reflections on the previous month’s activities, and other fun environmentally related articles.  We’ve also created a Youtube channel that we will post to on the third Friday of each month.  These newsletters and videos are going to temporarily replace the face-to-face meetings we used to conduct biweekly, as well as workshops.  This way you’ll still be up to date on what’s happening with the NMUCC and the possible risks of face-to-face meetings will be eliminated.

  • Another precaution we must follow is not allowing carpooling.  We relied heavily on carpooling last year, but it’s just not safe to do right now.  So, we’re committed to hosting the majority of all clean-ups and workshops on campus or within walking distance of campus.  There will be a few events, primarily trail maintenance, that will require driving, but we will do our best to work with you if and when those events come up.  

  • It’s going to be incredibly important that anyone interested in attending any of our face-to-face events sign up for the event prior to arriving because they can be no more than 18 people.  Registration for our events will be conducted using The Hub, but if you’re not able to use The Hub you can feel free to email us and we will work with you.  Additionally, masks will have to be worn during the entire duration of all of our events even if they are hosted outdoors.  

  • In the past we have also hosted a number of hiking challenges to help encourage students to get outside in their free time.  We fully plan on continuing this and have a ton of brand new ideas we’re excited to share with you so please stay tuned.  


Like always, we want to hear from you.  If you have any thoughts, questions, ideas, or concerns please email us or direct message us on social media.  We love collaborating and highlighting the talents of students and community members and we will be taking submissions and suggestions for our newsletters, including, but not limited to artwork, poetry, event announcements, and letters to the editor. 

Rather than dwelling on the limitations of these strange times, we are trying our best to broaden our capabilities as a club and we’re optimistic about what this semester will bring and we hope you feel the same way.  


Ever wondered what you & celery have in common? Like other life-forms on Earth, we both need water to survive! This experiment can help visualize the vascular structure of celery stalks.


Step 1: Add a few drops of different food colorings to separate glasses of water.

Step 2: Cut the bottoms off celery stalks & place each one in a different glass of water.

Step 3: Wait a couple hours; celebrate your new science skills!


Fun Fact: If red celery doesn't sound appetizing, you can use it as compost! Just dice up the veggies & add them to your compost system. You can also freeze them until you're ready to toss them in!



Monster Monsanto, Bogus Bayer  

-Isabel Mueller 

      We all know the horror stories of Monsanto, the killing of bees, the bankrupting of small scale farmers, the poisoning of U.S. citizens, but when we dig deeper, what more can we find?

         Monsanto is a company founded in 1901 that had a foot in the door from the get-go with their contract signed with major soda company, coca-cola. They sold the company Saccharine an artificial sweetener that also doubles as an environmental contaminant. From the first contracts with coca-cola to now, Monsanto has had billions of dollars worth of lawsuits for cancers, poisons, land degradation and so much more. But what’s worse is that they are realistically a mom and pop business that has over $55 billion to their name, even with all the lawsuits. That’s basically Jeff Bezos but much worse because they got caught for all the stuff they did, and still bit the bullet because they still make more off of corrupt processes than it is worth trying to make good products and keep citizens safe. After deciding that they were not making enough money off of selling saccharine to coca-cola (1) in the 1920’s they expanded into industrial chemicals and drugs… This is where it gets really messy.  At this time, the company started producing aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, and PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls). Moving forward too fast, in the 1930’s Monsanto was already onto the next project, creating hybrid corn seeds and expanding into household chemicals and cleaning agents. By the 1940’s the company was moving on to researching uranium and making of the first few atomic bombs that would later be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -which almost every human in the world is still affected by to this day. Oh, and not to mention, they also started working on producing DDT with 15 other companies (which was basically the component that catapulted the environmental movement into gear, thanks to Rachel Carson). Continuing on their involvement in wars, the company worked on creating Zyklon-B gas to be used in WW2 and then the 1960’s brought about Monsanto’s collaboration with DOW Chemicals to create Agent Orange for use in the Vietnam invasion. Now throughout this time, Monsanto has already been sued millions of times, great… right? Well, not exactly because the company spent almost as much money settling lawsuits as they did to avoid them from the get-go, again because it was cheaper. The FDA was consistently pushing for Monsanto to be sued and held accountable for the degradation of the world around them, but what good does that do when the man in charge of the FDA is purposely fired for speaking out. Yep, you read that right. A day following the election of Ronald Regan, FDA Commissioner Dr. Jere Goyan was fired and the scales were pushed in favor of the FDA allowing Monsanto to continue their crooked ways. But alas, Karma is a b*tch and Regan, a regular NutraSweet consumer, ended up getting Alzheimer's (one of the many effects of consuming aspartame and other Monsanto chemicals). I would like to address here that Monsanto chemicals are in over 5,000 products that plague the shelves of stores, “legally”. Mind you, we haven’t even gotten to Monsanto’s genetically modifying of meat… yeah that happens too. In 1994 the FDA criminally (again) approved the Synthetic Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) produced from genetically modified E. Coli bacteria, but don’t worry… it's good for you. According to the FDA. Following the year of the rBGH, Monsanto hit the ground running by creating their roundup-ready GMO-ed crops; soybeans, corn, cotton, and rapeseed (canola oil). To sell the Roundup to small farmers in order to further monopolize and control the business of food in the United States and beyond, Monsanto at this point sent sales personnel out with a bottle of roundup to drink from. This might sound very far out there, but I kid you not, it happened, better yet, the company building has a 21+ bar (at least they follow one law) that serves roundup containing alcoholic beverages. (2) Here I would like to address the association of roundup and massive colony collapse disorder in bee populations, that let's face it, every environmentalist knows about. But what you didn’t know is that in order to keep this issue under wraps for many years, Monsanto bought out Beeologics, the largest bee research firm, to hide evidence of the effects for a substantial amount of time. Not only did they buy out bee research companies, the FDA, and their way out of many many lawsuits, but Monsanto also bought out as many seed companies as possible, transitioning them into terminator seed companies so that every farmer would have limited options and it would basically eliminate organic farms. This action also pushed many small farmers into bankruptcy because in order to not get sued for using your own (organic) seeds, you needed to buy into Monsanto and once you bought the poison seeds you needed equipment to plant them (because they were too poisoned for human hands) which was too expensive for the average farmer, so they ended up taking out loans until eventually either being bought out by Monsanto, or going completely bankrupt on their own, leaving their land and resources up for grabs by the corporate giant. After all of this has happened, Monsanto still rages, working with a long list of companies such as Tyson foods, Frito Lay, Kelloggs, Morningstar, and sooo many more food conglomerates to run the food industry that resides within the World. To sum this idea up, Monsanto (since the Obama administration signed off on this) has had more power over the food industry than government itself to control food and food safety laws.  More recently, in 2018 Monsanto sold the company name to Bayer to avoid paying for 20 million or so of lawsuits on them, and also to dip under the radar for a few months. What all of this means is basically that Monsanto has gotten the name of “the most evil company in the world” for good reason, and that people, average people like us need to keep on top of these horrible things happening in the environment and to our food. Because after all, food is our first medicine, but that also means it can be our first poisoner too. So we need to take care to stop from having to pay to poison ourselves by doing the basic human actions of breathing, drinking water, and consuming food. Stay safe, speak up, and let’s work together to bring back organic farming and say NO to whatever Monsanto/Bayer is coming up with next.



1) Monsanto made over $1,000,000 in their first 14 years as a business. 




If you'd like to add to our Soapbox submission, email us your article, we'd be happy to put it in next month's newsletter! 

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